Owner: ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos G93207744



ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos puts at your disposal the additional information concerning the processing of your personal data, as established by the regulations on the matter: REGULATIONS (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 (RGPD ). In this sense and aligned with the privacy policy of ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos based on the information model by layers or levels, below, we collect the additional information (second level) where the basic information related to data processing is presented in detail. you must know.

Data of the Responsible: Identity:

Owner: ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos G93207744


About our Website Cookies

With what purpose do we treat your personal data?

In ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos we treat the information provided by interested persons in accordance with the following purposes: a) Sending the request to the client. We can also offer you opinion surveys, promotions and free samples of our services and / or products. C) Advertising activities (including opinion or satisfaction surveys) by electronic means of products and services from third parties related to the sector.

How we have obtained your data?

The personal data processed by the Company come directly from the interested parties through the forms enabled on the Website.

How long do we keep your data?

Personal data will be kept as long as you are a user and do not request the deletion of your data. In some cases, personal data that can prove the management of the services and the exercise of their rights may be retained. The Company also periodically carries out an analysis of the data retention periods, deleting the data ex officio, considering that the information has become obsolete or outdated.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your data is based on the consent granted when completing any of the forms available to the Company. own or third-party products and services is based on consent, although it is legitimized by the special regulations on the information society, provided that it is related to services and products of the Company, without in any case withdrawing the consent for the sending of promotional communications condition, where appropriate, your situation as a registered user.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Any person has the right to request access to their personal data, rectification or deletion, or the limitation of their treatment, or to oppose the processing, as well as the right to the portability of the data. As well as the right to withdraw consent in any of its purposes. For this you can send a letter to ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos G93207744 FINCA LA MAQUINA, No 22 (29130 – (ALHAURIN DE LA TORRE) MALAGA – SPAIN or sending an email to indicating the right you wish to exercise . The identity of the applicant must be accredited, for example by attaching a photocopy of the Identification Number.

Also, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the competent control authority (Spanish Agency for Data Protection), if you consider that there has been any type of violation in relation to the processing of your personal data. In the case If the limitation of the processing of your data is requested, we will only keep it for the exercise or defense of claims and in cases of opposition the data will no longer be processed, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

We value Your collaboration

In ASOC. 112 Carlota Galgos we try to control, within our possibilities, the correct use of personal data for which we are responsible by third parties to whom we have had to provide. For this reason we ask that, if you have knowledge or suspicion that any of our customers or suppliers, previously indicated, is making improper use of your personal information, notify us without delay to be able to take appropriate action as appropriate.

Also, to guarantee that the information we have is correct and up to date, we ask that, if there is any change in your data, or if, for any reason, it detects that we have some incorrect data, we will communicate as soon as possible to proceed to the opportune correction.

In We are aware of the importance of privacy and the protection of our users’ data. For this reason, we have carried out an analysis of the treatments carried out as well as the inherent risks to establish policies and measures to protect the personal information we can collect from the user.

We don’t store any personal information. The use of Google Analytics is used with the only purpose to  see the traffic on our Website. all the data collected by google analytics is anonymous and we will not use or trade for  any of this data, we respect you privacy.


The responsible of the indicated treatments is Charlotte del Rio. The rest of the identification and communication data can be found at the beginning of this privacy policy.

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data ( RGPD), we inform you that the data you provide us as a registered user will be treated to:

  • If you participate by writing comments, your username will be published. We will not publish your email address in any case.

All your personal data is stored on servers located within the European Union and under specific security measures that aim to prevent unauthorized access or leakage of information.

We protect the information of the user in order to prevent their access, manipulation or improper elimination.

The legal basis of all the treatments indicated above is that of consent; We will keep the necessary information to prove that you granted the corresponding consents when you signed up with us.

We also inform you that you have the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion and limitation of the treatment of your personal data, being able to exercise them by writing to the address of the person in charge.

On the other hand, If you have any questions we inform you that you can contact us at the email address: